Friday, 24 February 201208:32
Entry ini aku copy daripada kawan blogger aku, mimi (bukan nama sebenar). Dye juge copy daripada kawan dye... Ini kisah mengenai seorang ibu yang kehilangan seorang anak. Kisah ini betul-betul buat aku sayu sangat di hati sebab aku cube letakkan diri aku dekat tempat si ibu… Ya Allah.. Kau maha mengetahui, ajal maut semua di tangan Mu….
Losing a child is every parents nightmare.Never across in my mind that one day my child will die before me.NEVER.And it happens to me, in split second, he left me forever. Without any warning, without saying goodbye and never in my mind, it would be this way.I love him so much.I miss him so much.Only ALLAH knows how I feel now, but I must be redha. Ini ketentuan Allah. No one can stop it. NO ONE. Sudah tertulis, ajal Dzafri sudah tiba pada 20hb Mac 2010, pukul 8.50pm. Semuanya sudah tertulis.My second son, DZAFRI HISYAM BIN KHAIRULANWAR, passed away peacefully on 20 March 2010 at 8.50pm, at ICU/NICU Ampang Puteri and he was 15 months old (born on 22 September 2008).He was first diagnosed with dengue (the diagnosed and confirmation of the dengue was made by our regular pediatrician at Wangsa Maju) and later transferred to Ampang Puteri on 20 March 2010 (Saturday) because Dzafri had trouble breathing and the first hospital doesnt have the proper equipment.The minute we arrived at Ampang Puteri by ambulance, the consultant pediatrician at the ICU/NICU ward have said this to me, “Your baby is too sick. What happened? I cannot promise you anything….”WHAT?What?????? Said that again????But still in my head, I thought to myself that this doctor is wrong. Ya, me, without any medical background, wants to tell to this experience doctor that he is wrong. And he continue, “I think this is not dengue, this is something else. He is too pale. Do he have talasemia?” I quickly replied to him, “No. What do you mean by something else. The doctor (referring to the earlier pediatrician) told me it was dengue.” “Never mind. I will do the test first.” He replied.I kept quiet to myself, not saying anything and just let the doctor and his nurses doing their job. I was with Dzafri in that ICU room, waiting for my husband and Dzarif as I arrived earlier with the ambulance. Still in shock of what the doctor told me, but I still remaining calm. Tapi dalam hati, Ya Allah, Tuhan saja tahu. I just want to scream, yell, cry … and all I want to do at that time is Dzafri to be ok and we can all go home.Dzafri was put on oxygen, drip, wayar sana sini-at his chest, hand, his little feet …. He starts to merengek, maybe because tak selesa dgn wayar-wayar yang banyak tu. He didnt cried, but he wants me to hold him tight. Tapi macam mana nak dukung him with all the wayar, dari hidung, lengan, tgn, kaki semuanya ada. I tried to make him comfortable as I could, but I know, he’s scared. Me too.After 1/2 hour in the ward, Dzafri tertidur and I quickly make my way to the registration counter as hubby is stuck in the traffic jammed. habis urusan di kaunter tu, I quickly ran back to the ward and there, the doctor is waiting for me to show Dzafri chest Xray.“Its pneumonia. Its getting worst. What actually the doctor told you?”I explained to him the whole thing, from the first day Dzafri had his demam which is on Monday night, we went to see his pediatrician on Wednesday and was admitted on Friday because the doctor suspected dengue or viral fever, and which the blood test done on Friday and Saturday with the platlet count drop to 28, the pediatrician confirmed it was dengue but, Dzafri had trouble breathing since Wednesday and the pediatrician told me its only phlegm and something to do with Croup bacteria/virus.“No. This is nothing to do with dengue or viral fever. Its pneumonia and his chest Xray shows that his right lung is filled with pus ? (nanah) and he need to be operate immediately”.I was nearly fainted.My hubby was outside at the visitor lounge, waiting with Dzarif, because kid under 12 are not allowed to be in the ICU ward and we had nobody to look after him. I agreed with the operation thing and quickly ran to my husband, asked him to see the doctor and explained to him once more. Just before that, another doctor came into the room. The nurse introduced him as the Pakar Bedah Paru-paru. He was holding the chest xray and was saying something to the first doctor. Then, he explained to me. This time, his words really make me want to cry.“Its pneumonia but I ternampak satu benda asing dalam paru-paru dia ni. I rasa ada ketumbuhan. Growth.”
“Growth?”“Tumor”YA ALLAH!!!At that time, I am really confused. Sad. The reason the whole transfer thing from the previous hospital to Ampang Puteri is because he has trouble breathing and the doctor there confirmed that it was dengue.How can from dengue be a tumor?He never sick before. Only demam, selsema like the rest of other kids. Bagi ubat, dia baik. Tidak pernah pun dia terbaring lama, kesakitan. Never. He never get sick before. I really dont understand.“Your doctor tak pernah instruct for Xray?” Asked the surgeon again.“No. And I pun tak pernah terfikir nak hantar dia for Xray coz dia tak pernah sakit”.“Its not your fault. The doctor should advise you. We need to sent him for scan. Then baru I betul-betul boleh confirm whether its tumor or something else. But from my experience, its tumor and maybe dah lama kat sini, maybe since birth. Pneumonia is because of the tumor. I cuma boleh tahu the size, berapa lama and what kind of tumor after the scan. Then baru I boleh buat surgery.”Again, I just kept quiet, trying very hard to understand all this. Dzafri starts merengek balik, and this time, I started to cry. I asked the doctor to discuss it with my husband. I went to get him, again, I have to wait with Dzarif at the visitor lounge. Only few minutes inside the ward, he came to get me, saying that Dzafri is crying and looking for me.I quickly ran to get him, seeing that the nurses try to pujuk him but he’s still crying and mengamuk rimas because of the wayar. The nurses prepared him to sleep, as before can get into the scan, he must sleep.With the help of the nurses, I tried to give him the ubat tidur. Its a sweet syrup, but my poor boy refused to take it. Its not like normal Dzafri who loved to eat, drink, even ubat. Since Wednesday, his selera makan kurang and starts on Friday, he refused to drink, eat and even takes his milk. Its so sad bila mengenangkan, yang dia memang suka makan, but dia akhir hayat dia, he cant eat…. maybe because sakit yang ditanggung …. I dont know. I really dont. Sampai sekarang, everytime I ate, I must remember him, because he is my partner when makan time. He will walk towards me or starts mumbling when he saw his plate or my plate or any foods in my hand…….Even though the portion of the ubat given to him suitable for his age and weight, he still cant sleep. He start merengek again, pulling all the wayar, tried to sit on the bed and he looked at me with his sad eyes, asking me to hold him. The nurses help me with the wayar, and I hold him tight, tried to put him to sleep. Because if he cant sleep, they cant put him into the scan machine. Still, he cant sleep after holding him for almost 15 minutes. The nurse put him to IV, with hope that he will sleep, but no …. He merengek lagi kuat, pulling all the wayar, pusing sana sini, wants me to hold him ….. I tried to calm him down, pujuk dia, berzikir, and looks like he wants to sleep …. but I was wrong.It was 8.35pm.He starts to tersentak-sentak, like kena fit. I thought its fit because dia pernah kena fit on 4 November 2009 and 1 February 2010. I yelled to the nurse, saying that dia kena fit, but the nurse reply to me ….“Ni bukan fit kak”Before she could finish her sentence, she quickly called out all of the nurses in the ICU/NICU ward and the doctors. Just a split second, there is about 7, 8 nurses in the room and one of them had asked me to leave the room. That minute I know something terrible happened.I was crying , more into menjerit, meraung, asking the nurses what’s going on. 2 of them tried to calm me down, asked me to sit on the chair as I nearly collapsed. I tak sedar, my husband were there with Dzarif. I couldnt say anthing, only sat there and cried. Dzarif come to me and hug me, saying to me not to cry. I even cry loud, saying that I am sad because adik sick.My husband were asking me what had happened as he spent most of the time at the visitor lounge because he cant be with Dzafri in the ward because need to take care Dzarif. I told him what had happened. Dia terkejut, quickly berdoa for Dzafri and asked me to do the same.Then, the doctor came and see my husband.“I cannot promise you anything. I think there’s no hope, but I will try my best.”My husband can only said, Ya Allah.I cried.And only after 2 minutes, the doctor came to us again.I cant barely hear what he’s saying but my husband came to me.Hug me and kiss me.“Dzafri dah tak ada, yang. Ya Allah.”And it was 8.50pm.I still sit on the chair, crying like I never cried before.Screaming.My husband went into the room. I was still outside, this time I was sitting on the floor, making calls to my family and friends.I cant walked to the room. I have no strength to do that. I just cant. I couldnt face this. My son is gone.I am so sad. I could not explained more. No words can described it.It felt like my chest just being stabbed.Ya Allah. Beratnya dugaan yang Kau berikan kali ini.After I have called my friends, Maria and Zul, called my aunties, my brother. Then I called my mom. The minute I told her that Dzafri had passed away, my dad pengsan. Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Berilah aku kekuatan. Then I called my mom again to make sure that she and my dad are ok. Luckily, my aunty just stayed near there and a cousin had offered to drive my parent from Kluang, Johor to KL that night.Then, I slowly walked to Dzafri room.There he was, lying on the bed.I cant hear his voice again.No ‘mama’ to greet me.No chicky smile to welcome me.No bye bye hand from him.He just lying there.He’s gone. Forever.I held him tight. Crying, screaming his name. Saying No. I dont know why, but I said “No, Dzafri. No.”I dont know how long i cried, screaming his name.Then, I sat. I was tired.I asked the nurses, “Betul ke dik dia dah tak ada”.The nurse looked at me, “Betul kak. Dia dah tak ada.”I repeatedly asked her the same question. And she reply me with the same answer.My Dzafri is no longer with me.I miss him. Today (1 April 2010) is the 12th day since he passed away.But I can still hear his voice.I can still hear his cries.I can still remember his laughter.I can still smells him.And I still remember his smile.Ya Allah, aku redha dgn ketentuanMu. Berilah aku semangat dan kekuatan dalam menempuh dugaan Mu yang besar dan berat ini, Ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, Kau Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun. Segala-gala yang terjadi adalah kehendak mu Ya Allah dan aku sebagai hambaMu, redha dengan segalanya. Tempatkanlah Dzafri di sisi M,u di kalangan orang beriman, di syurga Mu. Kau temukanlah kami bersamanya di syurga Mu, Ya Allah. – Amin.Dzafri,Mummy love you so much. I am going to miss you forever. Not only me, ayah, abang, totok, grandma, uncle adik, auntie mek, and all of us will missing you dearly. I love you dear. No words can described how much I miss you right now. I love you dear. I have to let you go. But I’m going to miss you forever and my love will never fade. You are my only DZAFRI.
sebak betul :(
Saturday, 18 February 201223:41
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gambar hiasan |
para stalkers yg di kasihi sekalian,
"AKU SUKA KUCING "---> ayat pendahuluan..wink* wink*
since when??? since aku kecik my parents DULU tak galakkan sgt bela kucing sbb ta tahan dgn bau TUUUUTTT aku hanya bermadu kasih dgn kucing nenek aku je *bobot* tp time aku darjah 4 bobot mati kena lnggar dgn bas..R.I.P :( masa tu aku bodoh aku bwt dunno+muka blurr je la bila nenek aku bgtau bobot dah mati...sobs3!!
day by day..week by week..year by year tup2..aku dah form 4 (2010 --> *hujung tahun*)
time nie la family ktorng start bela kucing..
reason--> adik aku yg bongsu tu ckp kakak ngn abg dye msuk asrama, so dye tade kawan na main
luckily my mom pye kawan bg kucing dye kat ktorng..huhuhu..
*gmbar2 kucing nie bukan gmbar ori ek?? sbb aku ta smpat na snap gmbr diorang (skrng diorang dah bersemadi T.T) sobs!! luckily ad gmbr yg srupa dgn diorng kt google neh..jom2 tgok*
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first cat --> jojo sbb kematian --> dye pg makan baja T.T |
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*salah seekor je* second cat --> jojo jr sbb kematian --> sakit yg tak diketahui T.T |
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*salah seekor je* third cat --> mocha (adik bradik dgn jojo jr) sbb kematian --> rndu jojo jr kowt..sbb mocha mati few days lepas jojo jr mati T.T |
SOBS3!! sedih sbb kucing2 neh mati time aku kat hostel...menangis dalam bilik iron hostel sorang2 that day..huhuhuhu..*in memory*
pssstt!! na tau?? kat hostel pown ktorng bela kucing..nma dye ktorng smpat bela dye skejap ja sbb warden ta bg..huhuhu..
pssstt!! na tau lg?? smalam ade kucing neh kenyit mata kat aku kowt!! dahla gemuk cam garfiled..berat!! comel!! hehehh..
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comel tak?? besar tak?? nie lah kucing tuu..pnat googling cari yg srupa..ekor dye pown sama..huhuhu.. |
so now..tggal seekor ja lagi kucing..tu pown bukan kucing mom rajin bg dya makan..
pada tnggal brapa ntah aku ta igt kucing tu slamat melahirkan 3 ekor kittens (4 actually tp 1 tu ta smpat jd kucing..huhu) guess what?? dye branak dalam bilik kucing..kau branak dlm blik aku..aku nak anak kau..ok?? hahahaa..*give and take* huhuhu
*gmbar kucing yg nie pown Dr Google yg tlong cari sbb adik aku tak bg snap..tkut kucing tu mati*
jejommss tengok!!
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smokey and one of her kittens, bobot |
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boboi |
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bobby |
cepat la kucing2 3 ekor nih besar..ta sabar na pluk2..main2..wink* wink*
some facts about cats....
-->Kucing selalunye akan buat bunyi "MEeeoo0oww" dorang pada kita, cuma kita tak tahu samaada dorang nih tengah suka ke? sedih ke? lapar ke? cuma yang pelik, dorang takkan mengiauu manja pada kucing lain... ade ke? menggiaau nak gaduh tuh kira "meeoww" gak?
-->Kucing adalah binatang yang mempunyai naluri yang tinggi, dorang boleh paham kita tengah marah ataupun tengah manjakan dorang.. cuba korang jerit pada kucing, gerenti dorang akan cuba lari.. hehehe..(yg nie aku prnah buat..hahhaha)
-->Kucing adalah binatang yang mempunyai naluri yang tinggi, dorang boleh paham kita tengah marah ataupun tengah manjakan dorang.. cuba korang jerit pada kucing, gerenti dorang akan cuba lari.. hehehe..(yg nie aku prnah buat..hahhaha)
"aku tak gigit kucing..harap maklum..hehe :P *sorry kalau ad yg terasa*" ---> ayat penutup\
MEMORIES (2009-->2011)
Monday, 13 February 201208:00
okai stalker2 kali nie lbih byk pic from kata2..nama pown MEMORIES
ttiba aku dpt ilham nie time tgk sinetron Nada Cinta ptg td..aku suke friendship diorng..susah senang together-gether (bahasa rojak) hehehh..
2009 --> time lepas PMR *SMK BANDAR SUNGAI PETANI*
masih igtkah anda akan kenangan kita bersama time BBQ dulu??
masih igtkah anda akan sajak yg dibacakan oleh klon A.Samad Said?? sajak mngenai persahabatan??
sajak yg ditulis sndiri oleh Mr. Syazril Naim bin Azizan???
*kalau nak tengok video sajak tu sila copy paste link di atas*
i miss the precious moment that we spent together
" It's so sad how something so small and stupid can ruin a friendship. "
2010 --> Form 4 *SMS KEPALA BATAS*
*kami serba boleh..netball pown kami main..RUGBY pown kami main..huhu*
*jeng3!! this is my happy family in Serphen 4*
*Ketua kelas kami Abdullah Hussain sbuk laa na agih2 kan junkfood dalam hamper tu*
*bangga dpt hamper sbb klas ktorng mng Anugerah Kelas Tercantik
huhuhu..sapa ta bangga* wink wink XD
4 SILVER?? it was the HOTTEST class in 2010!! (klas lain jgn jeles)
aku rndu time kita hias kelas sama2 (orng paling tggi slalu jd mngsa --> ayin) huhu
aku rndu time bwt GULPS n GALPS drama presentation (group aku pling lawak..syes!!)
aku rndu time kita celebrate teacher Azean pya bthday!!
aku rndu time kta ramai2 jual satay (ayin kata--> "sapa bli satay dpt autograf hussain!!" n ramai yg beli)
~needa.dayah.annis.farah aina.farah nazeera.aqilah.hani.husna.faiza.hawa.umi.sue~
2011 --> Form 5 *SMS KEPALA BATAS*
*trip to Hatyai --> sabai dimai na kha..huhu*
*pnang airport--> smbut arrival young scientist*
*dalam library--> kami suka bsing dalam library eventhough ada librarian among of us (fatini-->dye pown suke bsing) hahhaha*
*jeng3..ini nightmare aku (zahir) pntng jmpa aku ade je dya na mgata..sbb dye laa aku bsing dalam klas*
*ding3!! moment nie la aku rse pling gila skaly dlm hidup aku..4 times 400 m kowt..dpt cheer g..=.=' *
*time bthday hanim!!*
*during preparation utk hari guru --> snggup ponteng mrentas desa..XD *
*okai..this is my happy family in Serphen 2!! miss all of u girls!!*
*these are Miss SAKBA..ehem2..(fatini ckap) XD *
*time SPM--> cegu addmath terchenta masuk aspuri..syes gempak..*
rndu time kta rmai2 stay up hias dorm bg lawa2!! (byk kali dpt anugerah kowt)
rndu time kta practise lompat tnggi dalam dorm (smpai pkul 3pg)
rndu na tngok winny mnjrit ta tntu psal
rndu makaroni hana
5 MERCURY?? orng lain label klas nie as an ELITE CLASS
tp bg kami warga MERC, sume klas sama ja..tada beza..
in MERC kami ada young scientist (termizi)
kami ada imam muda (qhani)
aku rndu party "haram" yg kta bwt + secret recipe kek + KFC (lpas party tu mmg kena truk)
"Friendships are fragile things, and require as much handling as any other fragile and precious thing."
"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
"True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
Wednesday, 8 February 201207:52
wah3!! post aku kali nie msti jd kontroversi hangat bg KPOP fans (aku rase laa) kui3!! anyway, bnda nie actually isu lama tp aku just na bg pndapat aku je...first of all i would like to admit that I AM ONE OF THE KPOP FANS...rsenye aku start mnat kpop neh lpas aku tgk drama Boys Over Flowers..XD time tu aku baru abis PMR..ok2 ckup lah psal sejarah kpop dlm hdup aku nie..kalau aku story byk2 nnti korng mngutuk plak..
back to the main issue..*KPOP VS MPOP*
YES!! i have to admit that artis2 kpop nie sumenye fake..kcantikan diorng tak original..BUT!! itulah imej diorng..FAKE, STAIL N PERFORMANCE diorng mmg TIPTOP lahh..bkan aku na support plastic surgery nie sbb aku tahu bnda ni HARAM..yg pnting kta ta ikut sudah..
wah3!! post aku kali nie msti jd kontroversi hangat bg KPOP fans (aku rase laa) kui3!! anyway, bnda nie actually isu lama tp aku just na bg pndapat aku je...first of all i would like to admit that I AM ONE OF THE KPOP FANS...rsenye aku start mnat kpop neh lpas aku tgk drama Boys Over Flowers..XD time tu aku baru abis PMR..ok2 ckup lah psal sejarah kpop dlm hdup aku nie..kalau aku story byk2 nnti korng mngutuk plak..
back to the main issue..*KPOP VS MPOP*
YES!! i have to admit that artis2 kpop nie sumenye fake..kcantikan diorng tak original..BUT!! itulah imej diorng..FAKE, STAIL N PERFORMANCE diorng mmg TIPTOP lahh..bkan aku na support plastic surgery nie sbb aku tahu bnda ni HARAM..yg pnting kta ta ikut sudah..
ok now MPOP..korang msti knal kan MAX 24:7?? or maybe GULA-GULA?? far dua group ni je lah yg aku tau n aku rse kpop fans ckup ANTI ngn diorng (including me) sbb ape?? sbb diorng copy paste korea pya group..*BAJET KOREA* hahhaha..nie aku pya point of view..korng?? ok now aku na bg pndpt sket la..bkannye aku tamau support industri musik negara nie..just aku rase diorng ptut bina imej diorng yg trsendri....
ehm2..ta manis laa klau artis negara kite pkai mcm dlm gmbr ats nie..kita kena la ikut budaya timur kita..yg korea tu biarr je la kt diorng..sbbnye aku rse PELIK klau tngok orng MELAYU pkai mcm tu..ape?? aku bajet alim?? hohoho..tak2..aku tak bajet alim..and aku tak alim pown..aku pown sosial aku tau btas2 die...*MAX 24:7 --> korng ta pyah laa na pose2 comel cam tu..syesly GELI aku tgok..muka korng ta ssuai arr na pose cute2 camtu..mnari2 manje cam SUPER JUNIOR dlm MV No Other tu..eeeiii..bkan na hina tp syesly BURUK!!
ini hanyalah pndpat aku..every person have diffrent point of view right??
MPOP?? erk..sorry
p/s: kalau ad typo error tu ignore je la ek?? XD